
Honor the Earth often makes news at different levels, internationally, regionally and locally, in Native and non-Native communities.

But our history has also taught us that if we want to truly own our story, we have to tell it ourselves.

Meet Science Warrior Stephen Swift Bird
Conor Varela Handley Conor Varela Handley

Meet Science Warrior Stephen Swift Bird

Science Warrior Fellow Stephen Swift Bird is part of the next generation of Indigenous scientist-activists who are using culturally-grounded and community-led science to find solutions to the many environmental crises we currently face. 

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Takeaways from the First-Ever Youth Biodiversity Conference
Anpo Jensen Anpo Jensen

Takeaways from the First-Ever Youth Biodiversity Conference

Honor the Earth’s Anpo Jensen recently returned from the Youth Biodiversity Conference in Japan, which was led by Japan’s Government Ministry of the Environment and the Global Biodiversity Youth Network. While there, she had the amazing opportunity to connect with 100 youth from around the world.

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Mask Off Maersk: How the global shipping industry facilitates colonialism, militarism, and environmental destruction
Honor the Earth Honor the Earth

Mask Off Maersk: How the global shipping industry facilitates colonialism, militarism, and environmental destruction

Honor the Earth is proud to join the Palestinian Youth Movement in its struggle for liberation and campaign against Maersk, a Danish shipping and logistics conglomerate that operates one of the world’s largest container fleets.

The fight against Maersk is a fight against colonialism, militarism, and environmental destruction.

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